

In this season of my life I have been in “home training” — discovering who I am and also who I am as a godly wife.

When I stumbled upon 1 Peter 3:3-11 where the attributes of a godly woman are listed, I decided I may want to do a study on what we as godly women should look like! 

By learning to embody the attributes of a godly wife we, as godly women and wives, will more easily submit to our husbands, have a peaceful spirit and our marriages will glorify God!

What You’ll Learn!

We will be reviewing the four attributes found in 1 Peter 3:3-11 amp:

  • Submit to your husband. Even if they do not obey the word of God, because they will be won over not by discussion but by the godly lives of their wives.
  • Be pure and modest
  • Have a gentle and peaceful spirit — not anxious or wrought up.
  • Do not let anything terrify you — not giving away to hysterical fears or letting anxieties unnerve you.

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