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The Purpose Of Ministry | The Godly Woman Podcast 003

Listen on Apple PodcastsFollow SeekFirst.Life on InstagramFollow Melanie Luna on Instagram Overview In this episode we will discuss what ministry is, what it means and what it actually looks like as a godly woman! Whatever...

Abide: The Key To Lasting Fruit

In John 15:4 Jesus says, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.” Jesus describes the union we are to have with Him by using the word Abide. Abide can be described...

Have You Entered God’s Rest?

With all that’s going on the world today and how people have reacted to a pandemic, we can see what has really been inside of them all along. For those who are reacting in fear, anger, or paranoia, that was already in them. The...

Women At The Well

Throughout the bible we see many references to wells. There are multiple meanings and significances for wells and how they are mentioned. In this article, I want to focus on the meaning of women at the well and what that means for us women today.  Especially single...