“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

The Kingdom of God can be so mysterious and deep, but yet so simple a child can understand. In the same way, this scripture is simple yet profound. I find that the most simple principles in the Kingdom carry the most weight and really impact your life when they’re applied correctly. 

In a recent season of my life, the Lord would often remind me of this scripture. He would say, “seek me” and don’t worry about anything else. Such a simple command, yet so hard for us to comprehend fully and be able to walk out. When life gets tough, or we become unsure of what’s next, not thinking or worrying about it seems impossible to do. Yet, Jesus tells us not to worry, that he’s got it as long as we seek him and all of his righteousness. 

As I began to try and fully understand this scripture it started to unpack for me within so many different aspects. Almost everything within the kingdom ties into this principle. As I began to truly believe that God knew what I needed, I saw a drastic change in my life and I saw his mighty hand move the pieces all on his own without any of my help. 

In Luke chapter 10, Jesus tells Martha she needs to be more like Mary. What was Mary doing? She was at Jesus’ feet without a care in the world. Her eyes were fixed on Him without any worry about what was going on around her. This may seem careless and almost irresponsible to the worlds eye, and as we see it also seemed that way to Martha. But as we know, Jesus takes the foolish things to confound the wise and he shows his ways to prove true each and every time. 

In moments that I had been confused about my life, when things seemed to be at a standstill, and it felt like there was no way out, I waited on God. I had no clue how he would make things happen, but I had faith that he would because the bible says he already has my days numbered and written out. During this time I put what I like to call “spiritual blinders” on and just did what Jesus said to do, seek him first. I spent hours of my free time reading the Bible, praying, fasting, fellowshipping and just learning more about Him. As I learned about Him he started to reveal pieces of my life through dreams, visions, and prophetic words through the scriptures. Little by little things all started to come together and He has been moving in my life opening doors for me that I could have never even thought of for myself. He has given me tailor made blessings that were exactly what I needed and when I needed them. More than the blessings, I learned to fall in love with the process and fall totally and wildly in love with Jesus. The more I sought him the less anything else mattered because he is the blessing. 

Trust me when I tell you that when God says he knows what you need, He really does. He will exceed your expectations times 1000 when you fully trust in Him and just break open any limitations you may have. This scripture is one that can be meditated on throughout the day to keep your mind renewed and focused on Him. No matter what happens throughout our lives, this scripture will always hold true and in my opinion, will always be something we all have to hold onto. 

Seek. Knock. Ask. 

The Lord loves seeing his children desiring the Kingdom and desiring to know more of Him. The number of things he will show you are endless when you concern yourself with the things of God. You’ll be so enamored with what he is revealing to you, that the mundane things of the world just seem to diminish in their weight of importance in your life. I find that in those low moments where our minds are filled with doubts and questions is where God wants us the most. He wants us there so we can hopefully start searching for those answers, and most of all get closer to him. I encourage you to seek Him, seek holiness, and the rest WILL be added. No ands, ifs or buts. It’s all about him, and He changes everything.