“Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your creator and become like him” Colossians 3:10 NLT

“You’re done with that old life. It’s like a filthy set of ill-fitting clothes you’ve stripped off and put in the fire. Now you’re dressed in a new wardrobe. Every item is custom-made by the creator with his label on it. All the old fashions are now obsolete.” Colossians 3:10 MSG

I believe this scripture isn’t just for those who are newly coming to Christ, but also for those who have been walking with the Lord for a while and are now leaving a season behind. We do not renew ourselves just once, but every season of our lives. Just as we change our clothes to match the weather physically, we need to change our spiritual clothes to match the new thing that God is doing. This also goes along perfectly with what I mentioned in my previous blogs about purpose. The scripture says we put on our new nature and become renewed as we walk with Him. We find out new things and what He wants us to do as we get to know our creator. As we get to know Him, we get to know ourselves.

The Lord had personally given me this word a few months ago as I was in a transitional period. I had then asked well what are you changing me into? What will I be clothed in now? I didn’t get an answer right away, but a few hours later I randomly heard, “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” I immediately went to that scripture in Proverbs 31 and began to dig deeper into the meanings of strength and dignity. 

Strength- the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure.

Synonyms: Power, energy, force, might, vigor

Dignity- the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.

Synonyms: nobility; righteousness, worthiness, integrity

After a few months of meditating on this word, God had given me more. I began to visualize a wardrobe and the different types of items we choose to put on for different seasons. The Lord showed me that those definitions above are the basic things we should all be according to biblical standards. We are all called to be holy, righteous, strong and we are all children of God. Those are what can be called “the basics”. Kind of like the basic pieces of clothing we all have in our closets – plain white t-shirts, tank tops, and jeans. Those are the essentials of what we all should have on as a clean slate or blank canvas so to speak. The basics are our identity, they never change. We will always be those things as long as we know we are a child of God.

As I drew this picture the Lord began to say, “I clothed you with the basics and foundation of what all women of God should be like, but now you can add your own accessories. You can choose which ones you like with what I’ve given you.” 


When you think about it, accessories are things you add on to personalize your outfit. They change with every season, but the basics usually stay the same. The Lord clothes you in righteousness, dignity, valor, etc.; and then you are free to explore all the other interests He has put inside of you. Things that no one else has. Your accessories.  This is what freedom in Christ looks like. Having biblical characteristics, but still enjoying your personal interests as long as they are along the lines of holiness.

Purpose is multifaceted. As seasons change, so does your wardrobe. As seasons come and go you will have new responsibilities and interests. Don’t stay stuck on finding one thing you can do! Explore your accessories! What do you like? What are you good at? What new thing can you try that you might be good at? Did you like something in the past, but found out you are no longer interested in? You may need a change of clothes! Ask the Lord to help you dig out what He’s put inside of you. Ask Him what new clothes you will need for the next season of your life. Don’t try to fit into the same clothes that you’re used to. If you find yourself feeling restricted, it may be God telling you it is time for the new. It’s time to explore.


Purpose flows from your identity.

Your purpose is to be like Jesus.

You find out who Christ is and then how Jesus decided to live in you. Your personality, your character, gifts, and function in the body of Christ are all ways Jesus decided to live in you. Jesus functioned in all areas of ministry when He was on earth, so we all have one part of those functions.

Add creativity to how God made you.

As you walk and perfect all that makes who you are, your avenues for that purpose will show up in your life. 

“…And we are free to live, not according to our flesh, but by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 8:4