Throughout the bible we see many references to wells. There are multiple meanings and significances for wells and how they are mentioned. In this article, I want to focus on the meaning of women at the well and what that means for us women today.  Especially single women.

In Genesis 24 we hear a story of Isaac finding a wife. Abraham sends one of his servants to go find his son Isaac a wife. He specifically wanted Isaac to marry someone in his homeland, not one of the Canaanite women, who essentially were unbelievers. The servant questioned Abraham asking if he would settle with taking Isaac to the woman if he could not find one who was willing to leave her home. Abraham tells him no, because the Lord had promised his descendants the new land. 

So the servant takes an oath with Abraham and goes off to find Isaac a wife. The servant gets to the place around the evening and finds the women coming to the well to draw out water.

It is important to take note of how Isaac found his wife and the very thing she was doing when he found her.

Some meanings for water in the bible are cleansing, refreshing, power (Holy Spirit), creation, new beginnings, and place of revelation. All of these things can sum up into one, receiving life.

Back in that time women were known to be the ones to collect water from the springs for their families. Because of this, they would often meet their future spouses at these wells. The men would come to the wells where they knew the women would be. Some men often came from foreign lands. 

How does this relate to us women today? For one, as single women, instead of looking for a husband, we should be busy receiving life first. We should be going to the well (Jesus) and drawing out living water from Him. Getting cleansed, refreshed, delivered, receiving power from the Holy Spirit, and working in God’s house. 

The fact that the women would usually meet their future spouses at these wells is so significant. The men of God knew exactly where the women of God would be. The women didn’t need to go searching, they didn’t need to be desperate for a man’s attention, and they didn’t need to go on dates.

Now, this may be a little extreme to some, but I personally did not date before I met my husband. I believed that God would send me my spouse and that I would not need to date. 

A real man of God will be attracted to the woman at the well. To the woman drawing water from Jesus and so the woman does not need to leave from that place. Actually, if she leaves, she won’t be in the right position when her husband does come.

I also have a connection with the fact that the men would come from foreign lands. My now-husband lived in a different state, lived a totally different lifestyle than I did, and God brought him to where I was so we can meet. While I was busy receiving life, God was busy sending my husband.

We want our spouse to be found in the Father’s house, just as Abraham wanted Isaac’s wife to be from his father’s house. He didn’t want Isaac to be unequally yoked with a Canaanite woman, an unbeliever. God promised him his descendants would be the only ones in the land, and he believed God. 

When the servant questions if he can’t find a woman that would even be willing to leave with him to marry Isaac, Abraham told him, “The Lord, in whose presence I have lived, will send his angel with you and will make your mission successful.” (Genesis 24: 39-40)

How many of us settle for someone who isn’t in God’s house because we think it’s impossible for God to send us a man? How many of us really believe that we don’t have to move our position for our promises to be fulfilled?

Believe that God will lead a man of God to you. Someone who is in the family of God. You don’t have to settle for anyone outside or anyone who isn’t even as serious about their walk with God as you are. Believe that God is sending His angel with your future spouse to find you and make the mission successful. You do not have to go outside of God’s promises and go find a spouse or worry about when your spouse will come to you. If God said it, it will be. Period. 

Don’t worry about comments and negative words from others saying your standards are too high or that what you are waiting on isn’t out there. I’m here to tell you your standards are not too high and that true men of God are out there. He may be coming from a foreign land, he may need to be prepared first to come and find you, and it can take some time but he is not an imaginary husband you can never obtain. Nothing is impossible with God. 

Lastly, let go of your fairytale love story. Marriage isn’t only about love and cuddles. Although that is a big and important part that we all desire, God puts two believers together for an even greater purpose. The right marriage is set out to impact generations. It’s more than just cute Instagram posts and a beautiful wedding day. 

Marriage is not just for us to fulfill our personal needs and desires for our lifetime. ⁣

When the women blessed Rebekah as she went away with her husband, they said, “May you become the mother of many millions! May your descendants be strong and conquer the cities of their enemies.”⁣ (Genesis 24:60)

That is a lot more powerful than just fulfilling our desires! We come together in marriage to become mothers to a future generation that will be strong and conquer the enemy. We break any cycles and generational curses from our past when we come together in marriage with God. ⁣

God is a God of generations. It’s always more than us! We are called to be fruitful and multiply on this earth. ⁣

Don’t get married to just anyone. Marry the one that will fulfill God’s call with you. Don’t settle because you’re lonely or because you want to keep up with everyone else. Wait for your Isaac. The one that God himself sends to impact generations with you!

Don’t settle. Dream big. Have faith. Draw living water from The Well. 

Your future is worth the wait.